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Date posted: February 14, 2012

A recent online exclusive by the Association for Manufacturing Excellence cites a “top 10” list for manufacturing trends in 2012.  Based on predictions by IDC Manufacturing Insights, a business line of the global market intelligence firm IDC, the list contains several trends that focus on speed.

via blogs.epicor.com

This "sticky" post is an excellent example of the ghost blogging work that I do for top-tier companies such as Epicor. I've become known for writing content-rich posts that build credibility for corporate blogs and improve their search engine rankings. Too often companies make the mistake of having internal resources write shallow, poorly researched posts. Or, worse, they outsource content creation to the lowest bidder. Companies like Epicor understand that when it comes to their blog's SEO strategy, "content is king." And they wisely invest in high-quality writing that reflects and protects their overall brand image.

Date posted: February 6, 2012

I'm currently gathering input for a unique "playbook" that I'm writing for the publishers of Automation World magazine. I'm looking for end users of processing equipment to provide insights in to best practices.

Ultimately, the Process Industry Playbook goes directly to all AW's process industry circulation. It will also be available in AW's newsletters and on the magazine's Web site.

Because I am creating a "batch" and "continuous" version of each playbook-the idea being to focus on the specifics of each topic for those particular industries-I'm looking for batch and continuous end users.

If you are a process industry end-user and would like to contribute, please send me an email. I'll send you my questions.

Editor's Note: The way the playbooks work, no one is directly quoted in the articles. The articles are a distillation of best practices I compile from all the information gathered from contributors. The end users who contribute are listed (along with their pictures) at the very front of the playbook.