• Marty Weil writes for print and the Web. He has more than two decades of experience writing about the use of technology in numerous fields including education, manufacturing, and food processing.

    This blog provides tips, guides, and commentary on subject matter related to journalism, copy writing, and social networking.

    • Are you fascinated by the unlimited potential of social networking?
    • Are you serious about creating viral content for your blog or Web site?
    • Are you intrigued by the potential of online publishing?
    • Are you searching for reliable talent to write for your print or online publication, corporate Web site, or blog?
    • Are you looking for tips, tactics, and strategies that foster better written communications for your marketing efforts?

    If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, you will find value in this blog.

    In addition to this blog, Marty also edits ephemera, an award-winning blog that enjoys a wide following among artists, authors, researchers, and collectors.

    Marty's My Year in Asheville blog project spawned a hardcover book by the same name.

    Marty has also served as a consultant and managing editor for several Fortune 500 microsite blog projects.

    He is interested reading, music, and entrepreneurship.

    You’re welcome to drop me a line anytime.

  • View Marty Weil's profile on LinkedIn

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The Branding of Trade Press Journalists

There's been a lot written about the demise of mainstream newspapers and print magazines, but little is said about the trade press (e.g., industrial, association, and industry-specific magazines).

Over the past few years, many of trade journals I contribute to (Managing Automation, Technology & Learning, Food Processing, etc.) have moved their content online to establish their presence in the new publishing paradigm and secure their future viability as print editions slowly shrink. Meanwhile, just as publishers have adapted to the new media, the cadre of journalist who work in the trades must also adapt to the shift online.

The trades, unlike mainstream media, have traditionally been a low-key, but rewarding career path for journalists. Freelance trade press editors, such as myself, establish themselves in a few key niches (mine being Information technology, manufacturing software & systems, food processing, and technology for education).

Today's reality for freelance journalist, whether they write for glossy magazines or for the trade press, must not only be experts on their beats, but must now move to establish their brand online, if they hope to become value-added resources their publishers.

The Value-Added Contributor

What's meant by value-added? Freelance trade press contributors have to understand and embrace social networking. Most established trade press veterans remain clueless about how to promote their work in the social medium of the Internet. I've made it my personal responsibility to promote new pieces whenever they appear on my publisher's sites. My publishers haven't asked me to do this task; however, I recognize that in this new environment, trade press stories can now be accessed by those outside the original low-circulation print editions. Through the magic of the Internet, they can now be viewed by the entirety of the Web audience. Soon, I believe, trade publishers will come to value this additional traffic as it expands their reach, drives traffic, and ultimately brings in increased ad revenues.

I want to be seen as a contributor that helps build this traffic for my publisher's sites. By doing so, I will also be building my brand online. As my Facebook and LinkedIn network expands, my work, which once only received exposure to a small group of engineers or school administrators, can now be viewed by anyone interested in a more in-depth coverage of a given topic, albiet of a technical nature.

I've established this blog as one means to sending out that content. I have linked my Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages to receive a feed from this site, which often features links to works I've recently published.

Go Brand Yourself

Most importantly, I want to ensure that the value I've created with my content is associated with my work as a freelance journalist. It's all part of my effort to add value to what I bring to a publisher, beyond the copy I produce. My strong Facebook and LinkedIn following amplifies my brand. As my brand becomes more valuable, it makes me a more valuable freelance writer in they eyes of Editor-in-Chiefs and Publishers, because I'm helping to drive traffic, which increases ad revenues.

So, if you want to survive in the new realities of the publishing business, start branding yourself even if you work in the trades. 


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